Hydropar ® M1 1200 W HMI (5600K)

HydroPar® 1200w M1 HMI lighting systems are state-of-the-art underwater lights specifically designed for feature and commercial film production.
Compact and lightweight, the 1200w can be tailored to a variety of shooting situations. HydroPar 1200w HMIs mate to a 5/8” spud for compatibility with standard grip and lighting equipment. The globe is an industry standard 1200w SE making replacement easy anywhere in the world.
The HydroPar 1200w M1 HMI light is for underwater use only. It is available with interchangeable reflectors for spot, medium and flood configurations. Because the bulb is enclosed in a tight fitting glass envelope, the beam pattern is adjusted by using the interchangeable reflectors to collimate the light. We use reflectors, not par diffuser lenses, to adjust the beam in this light. When a par diffuser lens is placed underwater so that both surfaces (especially the inner shaped surface) have water contact, the ability of the diffuser to spread light is significantly reduced.
All reflectors are designed to accept a variety of accessories including gels, scrims and barn doors. The HydroPar 1200W M1 conforms to UL 1573 and CE Standards and is certified to CAN/CSA Standard C22.2 NO. 166.
Hydropar ® 2000 W Tungsten (3200K)

The HydroPar ® M1 2000W The HydroPar® 2000w M1 lighting system is specifically designed for feature and commercial film production.
Compact and lightweight, the 2000w can be tailored to a variety of shooting conditions.The HydroPar 2000w SE mates to a 5/8” spud for compatibility with standard grip and lighting equipment.
The HydroPar 2000w M1 light is for underwater use only. It is available with interchangeable reflectors for spot, medium and flood configurations. Because the bulb is enclosed in a tight fitting glass envelope, the beam pattern is adjusted by using the interchangeable reflectors to collimate the light. We use reflectors, not par diffuser lenses, to adjust the beam in this light. When a par diffuser lens is placed underwater so that both surfaces (especially the inner shaped surface) have water contact, the ability of the diffuser to spread light is significantly reduced.
Utilizing industry-standard KINO FLO® *flicker-free ballasts, HydroFlex offers 6 ft., 4 ft., 2 ft., 15" and 9" underwater fluorescent fixtures for any wet or underwater application to a depth of 100 ft. They may be used individually, handheld, or hard mounted with our simple-to-attach weight cuffs. The lamps can also be grouped in banks of four or eight on flat panels or in our underwater soft boxes to provide a soft key or fill source. The fixtures may also be fitted with patterned sleeves and used as on-camera practical lighting. Our lights are available with UV Super Blue and Kino Flo® 2800, 3200 and 5500 tubes.
All reflectors are designed to accept a variety of accessories including gels, scrims and barn doors. The HydroPar 2000W M1 conforms to UL 1573 and CE Standards and is certified to CAN/CSA Standard C22.2 NO. 166.
The HydroFlo Underwater Ligthting Systems (4 x 3200K and 4 x 5000K)

All HydroFlo fluorescent fixtures are supplied with underwater mateable connectors that allow them to be mounted in underwater sets, after which cables can be brought down and connected. Power distribution for the four-bank soft boxes has been simplified by using a single 16-conductor cable that breaks out into four 4-conductor connectors at its end, thereby eliminating four separate cord extensions.
The HydroFlo Mick Light is a compact, lightweight variation of the HydroFlo light box using two 15" KINO FLO® tubes. Its size and weight make it useful as a fill light for tight quarters. Dry weight is 8 1/2 lbs. and wet weight is 1 1/2 lbs.
* KINO FLO® is a registered trademark of KINO FLO, Inc
AVC Lights Tungsten (3200K)

The AVC medium power lamps have been designed for use in extreme environments offering extraordinary reliability and sturdiness. They are lamps of 250W 3200 K with a 24V supply from surface.
It is possible to assemble them as panels or separately they are excellent for creating low-light environments.
At present we are modifying several of these lamps to hold LED lamps 5000K.
Portable Led Lights 4000 Lum (4500ºK)

Portable lights of LED lights are an industry breakthrough. Specially designed for underwater video and photo is supplied with one Solid-State LED module array emitting a staggering 4320 lumens. Featuring two output levels, the 40W light can dim from high to medium power output levels allowing you to dim lighting for a quick exposure adjustment. Sun-similar light in 16:9 illuminating with approx. 110° reflected beam angle and approx. 130 W (halogen).